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The Sims Online Mania: Fourth Anniversary

We've come a long way! On March 23, 2008 The Sims Online Mania celebrated its 4th Anniversary. A lot has changed here at The Sims Online Mania since our humble beginning back in March of 2004. Join one of our original founders, Lady, as she tells you all about how this site came to be, who brought it to you, and what it used to look like.

The Sims Online - The First 1000 Days

In honor of all Founders and Sims that turned 1000 on August 22, 2005, we prepared a very special feature. Take a look at how The Sims Online was 1000 days ago with our pre-beta screen shots gallery. View the feature designs that were on deck for addition to the game but never made it. Read the list of features that have come to our game since its debut... and much more!

We hope you enjoy our little look back to how things were back when the game was new, and how it has grown up with us since then. Here's to another 1000 days!