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The Rock 'N' Roadie Portable Bandstand, or better known as Band, object is a turn-taking, add-on memory game where players use Charisma (Trumpet), Body (Drums) and Creativity (Guitar & Keyboard) skills to make money. You can only use the band object on a lot in the money category. Paying attention to and remembering the tone and color pattern is the most important strategy for completing a successful round.

Required Skills
1 Body 1 Charisma 2 Creativity
Rock 'N' Roadie Portable Bandstand

Positions & Playing

Clicking on the band object will bring up a pie menu giving you the option to choose which position you would like to play (Charisma, Body, Creativity 1 or Creativity 2). You should choose the position you are most qualified to perform. As an example, if you have a higher Body skill than your fellow players, you should be playing the Body position. Keep in mind you do not need to have any of these skills to play band, however having them will greatly increase the amount of money your team will make.

Group Playing Band
Group Playing Band

Once you get into position the band panel will appear at the bottom of your screen. Depending on your position you will be assigned two specific notes to play.

Doh - Red Re - Orange Mi - Yellow Fa - Lime So - Green La - Light Blue Ti - Blue Doh - Purple Buzz
Light Blue
Charisma Body Creativity 1 Creativity 2 Everyone

As the round starts, a tune will play on the on-screen keyboard. Players must successfully play back the tune they have just heard by hitting their assigned notes at the appropriate time. The order which the notes are played is important, so players must be sure to wait their turn before playing the notes.

Every tune starts with one note and increases by an additional note each round. At the end of each successful round the money earned is added to the running total. The player must then decide if they want to "cash out" and end the round, or continue to the next tune and add another note. The money earned each round increases with the length of the tune, up to a maximum of 25 notes.

If at any time a player fails to hit their correct note at the proper time, the round will end and any money that has been accumulated is lost. The next round will start over with one note.

Band Panel
Group Playing Band

Another possible way to fail a round is if the buzz note plays. While rare, if the buzz note plays in your sequence you are forced to hit it and lose your earnings.

Players are given 20 seconds to complete the tune after it has been played. If the tune is not completed within that time, the round will end just like it does when an error is made and any money accumulated is lost.

If one of your team members is calling out the tune during the round, keep in mind there are two Doh notes on the keyboard. It is recommended that the colors of the tones are called out instead to help your team keep track of the sequence as it gets longer.

The payout of each round is calculated by the sum of the notes in it multiplied by a tuning factor. The tuning factor is a constant multiplied by the combined relevant skill of the team members.

Round Walkthrough

In this walkthrough, we will be playing the Charisma position. As the Charisma player you will see your two notes lit up and all the other players notes will be grayed out.

Those are the only two notes you will push. If your two notes do not come up in the tune, you will not push anything.

Before the tune begins, all the colors will re-appear.
The tune begins when you see one note light up and the tone will sound. Our first note is Ti (Blue).
Creativity 2 player will push Ti (Blue). As the Charisma player, you will not push anything.
The next tune will begin and play Ti (Blue) again and a new note in the tune will play. The new note is Fa (Lime).
Creativity 2 player will push Ti (Blue), then Body player will push Fa (Lime). As the Charisma player, you will not push anything.
The next tune will begin and play Ti (Blue), Fa (Lime) again and a new note in the tune will play. The new note is Re (Orange).
Creativity player will push Ti (Blue), Body player will push Fa (Lime). As the Charisma player, you will push Re (Orange).
The process continues with one more note being added each time, until you or one of your team members plays an incorrect note during the tune, the buzz note is played, or your team decides to cash out.

Owner Kickbacks & Overwork Penalty

Owners of the money object will earn a certain percentage of the winnings generated by those using the machine after each round is played. When the owner is playing on the object, he or she will earn the winnings from that round, plus the kickback.

The overwork penalty has been added to the game to prevent players that use automated programs called bots from earning money without physically playing the game. What the overwork penalty does is it identifies the payout patterns that a bot would have to generate in order to be worth running, and then reduce the income from those payout patterns. Players who complete rounds at a fast rate may see a penalty, while players who complete rounds at a more normal pace will not.